JPMorgan has developed Containerised Data for institutional investors, which is available through JPMorgan Fusion.

This complete solution gives investors consistent and richer data across companies by using a new common semantic layer to model and normalise data from diverse providers, sources, kinds, and structures.

Data is ingested, transformed, and linked by fusion to make it compatible and prepared for use in AI and ML applications. Investors can use cloud-native channels, such as API, Jupyter notebooks, Snowflake, Databricks, and more, to access data in consistent containers at any time.

JPMorgan and other vendors offer Containerised Data for a variety of data sources and types, including Fund Accounting, Middle Office, Custody, and more.

When data is fully unified across public and private assets, clients can optimise their value.

The goal of institutional investors is to streamline the process of handling large amounts of data inside their operating models and throughout their companies. Their data is frequently fragmented, inconsistent, and incomplete.

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Businesses need robust and flexible data foundations as they strive to implement advanced analytics, AI, and ML.

Fusion resolves these critical issues with the release of Containerised Data.

Clients obtain data that looks and feels the same across all sources, ready for analysis and integration into their processes, saving them time and money on handling data. The solution’s improved data catalogue, data dictionary, and semantic layer offer clients with the necessary basis for effective AI and ML adoption.

Tim Fitzgerald, global head of securities services, said, “Securities Services is focused on providing differentiated data services to help investor clients improve the performance of their portfolios and increase the operational efficiency of their businesses. Containerised Data allows clients to accelerate their time-to-value, alleviating key data management challenges, so they can focus on the work they do best.”

Jason Mirsky, head of data solutions, securities services, said, “We understand institutional investors’ nuanced data challenges, and with Containerised Data, we’re addressing the most pressing needs we hear from our clients. Our financial data expertise, vast reference data universe and strategic industry collaborations enable us to model data in ways that other firms can’t, solving unique data frustrations for clients.”